All the Old Testament readings for the season of Advent are messages of hope and promise. They come from prophets whose mission was to remind God's people that they were indeed "called by a promise of peace and justice." Perhaps questions we might ask ourselves are: "How do I say yes to the Lord's invitation?" "How do I put into daily practice what I hear God's Word saying?" "Which actions of mine flow from charity and which from justice?" The prophets remind us of a kingdom that is yet to come: a kingdom where there will be peace and justice for all. In some of the most beautiful poetry of the Bible, the prophets speak of that peace and justice that is the birthright of every person. The hopes and visions that God has for us, his chosen ones, is what we wait for. Each week, after the Our Father, the Presider prays , "... keep us free from anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ."