Q: "Every week in our bulletin I see a Mass on Sunday for the people of the parish. I just recently noticed it in another church as well. Is it there to fill in an Intention, or is someone requesting it every week?"
A: The pastor of a parish is charged with the well-being of the community. There are many aspects of this task, including the physical, spiritual and social concerns of maintaining and building a community of faith. Each week, by church law, our pastor offers Mass on Sunday for the people of the parish. It is a tangible and practical way that Fr. Remi prays for those entrusted to his care. No one requests it, nor is it offered only when there is an open intention.
In fact, the pastor may not accept a stipend for it. The spiritual needs of the people are the primary concern of the pastor. His prayer for them is the first way he cares for them. You may also see Mass intentions for those listed in a memorial, or deceased members of the parish, or past members of a group or organization. These too are ways the pastor remembers the needs of all the members of his parish, asking the Lord to bless and protect them, bringing us all to eternal life.
If you have questions about how to request a St. Mary’s Mass Intention or wish to arrange a Mass Intention for a loved one, to honor a special anniversary, etc. please contact Kim Dowdy, Secretary during church office hours at 540-552-1091 or email [email protected] to make arrangements. Names automatically remain on this list in 3 week intervals, after that time please renew with office. If you or someone you love serves in the military, please notify the church office to add your/his/her name to our list. Remember to inform us of any deployment changes.