We will again be helping our community this year with Thanksgiving boxes filled with good food! We anticipate serving 75 families and need your assistance with very specific food items.
Below is a list of the foods we need.
Canned chicken or turkey broth
Peanut Butter
Canned chicken or tuna
Canned turkey gravy or dry gravy mix
Instant potatoes
Canned beans (kidney, navy, butter, etc)
Canned pumpkin pie mix/apple pie fruit
Sugar (small)
Boxed pasta kits (mac and cheese, etc)
Flour (small)
Bisquik, muffin or cornbread mixes
Canned fruit
Black/ green olives & sweet baby pickles
Canned vegetables
Cooking oil
Cereal (low sugar),
Pancake mix and syrup
Pasta and sauce
Mixed nuts
Cranberry sauce
Powdered milk
Food will be collected in the boxes in the Narthex. Please help us sort the food by putting your items in the appropriate boxes. The last day to bring food for the boxes is Friday, November 20 with delivery promised to our families on Monday, 11/23/09.
If you would rather donate money to help purchase a turkey or ham for each family, please put a check in the collection basket at Mass made out to “St. Mary’s Catholic Church” and write “Turkey” on the memo line. Each family receives a voucher for the fresh turkey or ham. Your generous support is greatly appreciated!