All Religious Education classes (K-12th grade) have began. Please see schedule below.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kindergarten – 5th Grade students will meet from 9:50 am – 11:15 am. This year we will have a group activity (i.e. coloring page) and a snack available for students in the Parish Hall starting at 9:50 am. Parents are asked to help with providing snacks/drinks throughout the year. Each grade will be assigned a table. Parents are welcome to stay with their children during these group activities in Parish Hall. Parents, please sign in your child with his/her Catechist no later than 9:50 am. There will be a group prayer and announcements. Then, the Catechists will lead their students to their classrooms and classes will begin at 10:00 am. We ask that parents, not older siblings, pick up/sign out their children in their classrooms by 11:15 am.
**Religious Ed. classes will resume on Sundays, Feb. 2nd & Feb. 9th (see below).
*No Regular Religious Ed. classes on Sunday, Feb. 16th ~ holiday weekend!
St. Mary’s Middle and High School students 6th-12th grade students will meet after the 11:30 am Mass on assigned Sundays (starting on Sept. 22nd) with lunch from 12:30-1:00 pm and classes from 1:00-2:15 pm.
22 1ST DAY OF CLASSES & Catechetical Sunday at St. Mary’s
29 Class
6 Class
13 Class
20 Living Rosary after 11:30 am Mass - Students & their families, please meet in the church - No Reg. classes
27 Class
3 Class
10 Class
17 Class
24 Empowering God’s Children Lessons - students, please meet in Parish Hall (or Parents may teach at home)
1 Thanksgiving Weekend - No Regular Classes
8 Class
15 Class
22 Class
29 Merry Christmas - No Regular Classes
5 Happy New Year - No Regular Classes
12 Class
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No Regular Classes (snow make-up day if needed)
26 Class
2 Class
9 Class
16 Presidents’ Day - No Regular Classes (snow make-up day if needed)
23 Class
2 Class
9 Class
16 Spring Break - No Regular Classes (snow make-up day if needed)
23 Class
30 Class
6 Class
13 Class
20 Happy Easter - No Regular Classes
**Please see separate calendars for all FIRST COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION events at St. Mary’s.